Hello blog. Hello readers. This feels odd. I don’t really know who I’m talking to. Less than a minute has passed and I’m already feeling exposed and uncomfortable. I miss indulging in the privacy of my journal. Ok, so maybe it’s going to take some getting used to this blogging thing…
I envision the content of my blog to be an account of my Costa Rica experiences interspersed with social commentary and general life ponderings. I’m really just planning to write with the intent of writing. Any other “goal” would probably take the joy out of it. Writing is my therapy. When I feel conflicted about anything, I start to write about it, and every time, without fail, my own truth will present itself. It’s a pretty useful little trick.
So for those of you who don’t know, I’m going to Costa Rica tomorrow to learn about harvesting coffee. I’m going through a work exchange program called WWOOF, Willing Workers on Organic Farms. This trip is significant for me on so many levels. I’ve never lived in a foreign country. I’ve never even traveled alone. I’ve never raised a single plant, nor, sadly, been able to keep one alive. On a deeper level, I’m opting out of a corporate/consumerist way of life that just isn’t for me and fully honoring my relationships with those things that do make me happy. Best of all, the day has finally come when I have simply stopped caring about what I should/could be doing or about what so-and-so is doing. May everyone be doing what they enjoy doing. Amen.
That said, I hope you will enjoy the blog. It will be very much me, in the same way that I talk- with little filter yet determined to always say what I mean. Then there’s my selfish reason for you to read. Perhaps you following along will create the illusion of company if I get lonely.
Ok, back to packing. Check back next week, when I’m an official farmer in Sarchi, Costa Rica.