Sunday, September 6, 2009

Where am I?

I’m in a funk today. I hate funks, especially when I can’t explain them. Maybe I’m just adjusting. Or still detoxing from the fiestas of last weekend. I haven’t been sleeping too well here. There’s always some bug to kill or frog to escort out of my room before bed, which puts a damper on the whole unwinding thing.

And I feel a bit homesick. Not sure what I call home really, which makes me even more homesick. Ughh. This is a depressing blog.

I’m not sure where I am. I don’t feel like I’m in a foreign country yet I certainly don’t feel like I’m in the US. Most people don’t speak English here, and I’m struggling with my Spanish. There’s a conversation going on right outside the door and I can’t even understand it (something about roasting a pig, I think). I’m having the realization that my Spanish just isn’t what I want it to be. Even when it was the best it ever was, I could never quite follow Spanish television or really be sure what people were saying about me when I walked down the street in Costa Rica. To make matters worse, Puerto Rican Spanish is quite different than anything I’ve heard. They drop their s’s all the time and merge words. Buenos dias becomes buen dia (easy enough example), voy por alla becomes voy palla...this will definitely take some getting used to.

I feel lost. And a bit dazed. I miss my mom.

I did discover something pretty wonderful today though. It’s called a sapote and it’s the latest and greatest in my world of tropical fruits. It sort of looks like an elongated coconut, brown and hairy, and on the inside is a big black pit, that I’m oddly afraid of, and the most unique and stunning pinkish-orange flesh. The texture resembles a squash and the flavor is balanced and mildly sweet. It’s creamy and comforting and brilliant. I feel that same joy I felt when I tried my first cherimoya, like life just got a little bit better. What can I say, fruit just makes me happy :)

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